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Charity No. 519067 - Established 1983



We have great pleasure in informing you that we are currently organising our 2025 Annual Show. Which, will take place on July 5th
for more details :

We are very sorry to announce that Eric Such has passed away. Eric was a great supporter of The South Wales Shire Horse Society and regularly attended our Annual Show at Abergavenny. Eric was a true gentleman and a great character, he was always very helpful, willing to pass on his heavy horse knowledge. We shall miss him greatly.

We send our sincere condolences to his family.

Image 1


It is with a very heavy heart that we have to announce that Mr Leslie Moulden, passed away on Saturday 2nd March 2024.
Les was Trustee and President of The South Wales Shire Horse Society for many years. He was passionate about the Shire Horse. Also, being a Shire Horse Owner and had worked with them from a very young age, at Thomas & Evans Ltd who produced Corona Soft Drinks.

Les will be sorely missed by the SWSHS Committee and his many friends in the Shire Horse Community.

We send our sincere condolences to his family.

Click here for details of Les's Funeral arrangements

Les Moulden
Les Moulden

Congratulations are in order to our Chairman Mr Mal Phillips. Who, has been awarded a British Empire Medal (BEM) for his work promoting the Shire Horse.
Mal has worked tirelessly for many years as the Chairman of our Society and is well respected for the work he has done over the years.
We are all very pleased that he has been recognised for the work that he has done for so long. The award is well deserved.
The article which was printed in The South Wales Argus can be viewed by clicking on the following link :



It is with great sadness that our Husband & Wife team (David & Dana Jones) have decided to resign from their roles as Vice Chairman and Events Co-ordinator / Membership Secretary. Their decision has been a tough one and has been brought about through David's health. David & Dana would like everyone to know that they have thoroughly enjoyed every aspect of the Society and the active roles that they have played. They have made many true friends over the years, met so many lovely people and love the SWSHS family and everything it stands for. David & Dana are remaining as Committee Members so will still be supporting the SWSHS in any way they can, fitness allowing.

*** Photographs ***

Photographs taken at our 2023 show are now available to view at our Show Photographer's website.
Click Here to view them

To access any ammendments that we have had to make to our 2023 Show, please click HERE
It has been brought to our attention that there is a scam circulating whereby people are having payments fraudently taken from their bank account. Bank statements are showing that the payments are being taken by a company calling themselves SWSHS.club .While we feel very sympathetic towards the people who have fallen victim to this scam, we feel that we must make it absolutely clear that this is, in no way, connected to South Wales Shire Horse Society and we can only advise people affected, to contact the Police to report it and obtain a crime number.

*** Newsletter ***

We now have pleasure in providing the November / December 2022 Newsletter which is free of charge and available to members and Non Members.
To view it, click HERE

This Newsletter is being sent to all the exhibitors who were due to attend our show last year (2021). If you are one of these exhibitors, please note that by being sent a newsletter in the post, you are not obliged to become a member of the SWSHS. This is a totally FREE newsletter made available to everyone.

We would like to convey our sincere thanks to Charlotte Trott. Who, brought her two Shires (Rosie & Chutney) to our "Experience Day" on Saturday September 17th and also put on an excellent presentation which included answering all questions asked her and giving advice to those who requested it. We are very grateful to Charlotte for all the work she did for us that day and we hope to see her again on another "Experience Day.
Experience Day Poster


What a funfilled weekend we at SWSHS had, at the Steam Rally on the 4th & 5th of June. Promoting our Show for 2nd of July 2022. Meeting with all members of the public and thanking Chris Evans and Abergavenny Rotary for all their help and kindness during the weekend, they made us feel so welcome. The feedback we received from the Public was absolutely amazing and the memories we brought back to people and the stories they had to tell us, were second to none.
Click on the images above,
to see our stall featuring our model shire horses.


***SWSHS Merchandise***
Click this link to visit our new webpage, where you can purchase SWSHS items which you can either keep for your own pleasure or give to someone as a gift.

We are grateful to Carol Stevens Photography for providing us with photographs of our President (Leslie Moulden) and his late Wife, Margaret. The photographs were taken at The Shire Horse Society's Spring Show at Bingley Hall, Staffordshire Showground on Friday 16th March 2018. While they were speaking to Sophie, Countess of Wessex. Click HERE to view the photos.







